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[业界新闻] 极客DIY增强现实眼罩 能够一眼看出温度和距离

时间:2012-12-26 10:57:58来源:投石科技 作者:投石科技 点击:

 现在,增强现实功能远远要比之前容易的多,但是,如果想把智能手机加入进去,有时还是不太容易。不过现在一位名为Gregory McRoberts的极客发明了全新的方法,通过一个DIY的眼罩就让手机访问增强现实系统变得更加容易和方便了。
在Gregory McRoberts的个人博客他表示,“现在的感官增强装置里,只有助听器的应用比较广泛。至于其它的人类感官,远远还没有被好好的加以利用。整个社会对此类需求非常的大,所以对此我也充满了好奇。就算有些富有经验的人能够得判断的出来,但是,我们还是需要一台设备把它记录下来。所以,这台增强现实眼罩真的可以让人类变得更加强大和准确,希望这台DIY设备同样可以帮助到更多的人。”
Augmented reality is much more accessible than in the past but sometimes its still a little bit of a pain to access from your smartphone when required.
Gregory McRoberts has a new solution which makes accessing Augmented reality much easier and more convenient, via an AR eye patch he has created.
The AR eye patch has been created to provide users with users with senses that humans would not normally be able to benefit from such as the ability to “see” temperature and precise distance. The AR eye patch has been built using Arduino and is equipped with an ultrasonic distance sensor and an infrared temperature sensor
“Socially wearing the device is another story. Of course here at OCAD-U it I easily accepted and met with great curiosity and fanfare but in public people don’t understand what it is. Hearing aids are well accepted for their sleek, tight form factor so that I am sure is a huge part of why people are uncomfortable with it. I have been asked most of all if the device is recording them. It has no camera or the capability to record any of the incoming information. But just like a hearing aid it provides what is missing and gives the wearer new information in a usable way”

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